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A Wiser Day in Casentino 22 Aug 2013 | 11:21 pm
WiserLocal organizer Carolina recently participated in the Casentino Love Affair Festival in Italy by hosting a Wiser Day where participants learned about Wiser.org and discussed various issues relate...
Out of Our Fracking Minds 15 Aug 2013 | 11:28 pm
By Suzanne York (6degreesofpopulation.org) We are well into summer 2013, and in the West temperatures are high, wildfires are raging, and droughts are in effect in many states. One state that has be...
Learnings from the July 2013 WiserLocal Organizers Call (Part II) 9 Aug 2013 | 10:29 pm
In this second blog post on the July 2013 WiserLocal Organizers Call, we will cover a community exercise called the “Marketplace of Giving” and ways to fundraise for WiserLocal gatherings. Read Part I...
The Predicted Losses Keep on Coming 1 Aug 2013 | 10:54 pm
By Suzanne York (6degreesofpopulation.org) The studies keep coming, and our society ignores them at its own peril. This time, the issues are endangered species and loss of biodiversity. In June, sci...
Mark Your Calendars! A Conversation with Poet-Activist Drew Dellinger & Ocean Rower Roz Savage 31 Jul 2013 | 01:05 am
Our friends at The Pachamama Alliance are hosting a live video conversation, The Art of Activism: When Changing the Story Changes Your Life, with writer and activist Drew Dellinger and National Geo...
Learnings from the July 2013 WiserLocal Organizers Call (Part I) 27 Jul 2013 | 01:29 am
The most recent WiserLocal Organizers Call took place on July 17th with 14 participants representing 11 cities, 6 countries, and 4 continents! Curious to know what they discussed? Continue reading to ...
Reflections on My Week at Caux 23 Jul 2013 | 09:15 pm
This month, Wiser.org had the pleasure of supporting collaboration around the Trust and Integrity in the Global Economy (TIGE) conference organized by Caux-Initiatives of Change (IofC). Caux is a stu...
This Week’s Woman: Paige Lucas-Stannard of Parenting Gently 18 Jul 2013 | 10:17 pm
Interviewed by Erin Fischer Paige Lucas-Stannard, a feminist writer, mother, blogger, and natural parenting activist, can really only be described in one way: dynamic. Her ideas are innovative, and s...
Updates and Learnings from the Caux Conferences 17 Jul 2013 | 06:31 am
“It’s not an institution, it’s not a point of view, it starts a revolution by starting one in you!” These are the words of Gertel, a Swiss woman who has been coming to Caux and has been part of the In...
8 tips on how to build a successful online community! 11 Jul 2013 | 11:17 pm
Starting a new community can be daunting and it does not result in instant or guaranteed success. It requires, time, effort, patience and a lot of nurturing of community members to create engagement a...