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Blog Move! 1 Sep 2007 | 07:10 am
I’m still fixing it up, but the new blog is now at: ace.5pointstudio.com
Updates for July! 9 Jul 2007 | 11:30 pm
Well the GLOW lights seem to be working ok- no IMs at all about not being able to get them working or anything, so yay! To celebrate, I made two more styles of lights. KOLA is a simple hanging light, ...
Lights! 19 Jun 2007 | 09:02 pm
These have been out for a week or so now. Just catching up on spamming them around now GLOW are three-prim touch controlled lights. They also give you the option, when rezzed, of working in an “advan...
New House! and other things 5 Jun 2007 | 11:39 pm
LOPO is a kind of sister house to LEVE- it is roughly the same size, but with a different layout- the key feature being the party pool/tub in the ground floor. It has a thick foundation and steps so t...
Back and Stuff 17 May 2007 | 11:09 pm
I don’t like advertising. No, its true. I realised that I didn’t even use the SL group made specifically and particularly for spamming members with new product news, for the last (counts em) three thi...
FREE UPDATES 10 Mar 2007 | 02:38 am
Maybe that got your attention :p IM me in-world if you want the 2.5 scripts for your existing Ace’s Spaces house, plus a fresh boxed copy of the upgraded house also. This is for Ace’s Spaces houses ...
Great Big Update! 8 Mar 2007 | 02:44 am
I have actually made one more house since I last posted… but it was also the first house to be built with my revamped, new, snazzy 2.5 version house control, so it got held up a while during script te...
Shiny New House! 15 Feb 2007 | 03:19 am
No stress in this one- just a nice relaxing, warm woodsy kind of place. I pictured this in my head as being somewhere green, surrounded by those great big pointy-trees-that-aren’t-pines but-I-forgot-t...
Simplicity 15 Feb 2007 | 02:50 am
My houses are scripted very simply. There are two main reasons for this- one is that I’m not a scripter, I figure out (or ask about) what I think I need to do, and I do it, and call it done. The secon...
Time Dilation 9 Feb 2007 | 05:46 am
I can rez and position a house, even a three/four part build without the help of rez-faux etc, in around two minutes if I pay attention. For a single object house, under 30 seconds. Doing this for so...