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Toney Freeman talks to BODY Magazines podcast, BODY Radio 28 Nov 2010 | 08:01 am
BODY Radio is BODY Magazines own podcast (started this summer) and is hosted by the editor-in-chief Alex Danielsson and the writer Andreas Guiance. This week on the show Alex and Andreas talks to thei...
Jay Cutler coming to Gothenburg and The Fitness Festival! 12 Sep 2010 | 11:08 am
The beginner bodybuilding competition Luciapokalen takes place at The Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre in Gothenburg on December 11-12th, at the same time and place as The Fitness Festival fair. T...
Bromsa utvecklingen innan det är för sent: Rösta på Piratpartiet! 6 Sep 2010 | 02:40 am
Jag var en av de 34 918 som röstade på Piratpartiet i 2006 års allmänna val. Jag var en av de 225 915 som röstade på Piratpartiet i 2009 års val till Europaparlamentet. Jag röstar på Piratpartiet i ...
Vår DVD piratkopierades, men imorgon röstar jag på Piratpartiet 20 May 2009 | 08:42 am
Med februariutgåvan 2009 av BODY Magazine medföljde vår egenproducerade DVD med innehåll från allt det som hände under Fitnessfestivalen 2008. Tidningen var prishöjd för att ta in en del av produktion...
A Swedish Pumping Iron – ‘The Life of the Iron Thug’ 16 Feb 2009 | 03:01 pm
Zone Capone together with Vincent Media Production put his film ‘The Life of the Iron Thug’ online at thelifeoftheironthug.com, payment able via Paypal or SMS. Running time: 176 minutes. Most spoken w...
This weekend in Gothenburg: The Swedish Fitness Festival! 3 Dec 2007 | 04:15 pm
Scandinavia’s No 1 meeting point for the Scandinavian market! Location: Gothenburg, Sweden Date: December 8-9 The Fitness Festival was first held in its original form in 1986. The festival has grow...
You can call out the competitors at Mr. Olympia 2007! 30 Sep 2007 | 04:34 am
Last year Ronnie.cz made a cool application where you could compare all Mr. Olympia contestants with each other, pose for pose (based on photos from FLEX Online from the prejudging). This year the app...
Swedish female bodybuilder, 51, profiled by The New York Times 22 Sep 2007 | 03:33 am
In todays edition of The New York Times Eva Birath, a Swedish female bodybuilder who started competing at 47, is profiled in the article “At 51, Establishing a New Body of Work“. Visit Evas home page ...
Which Mr. Olympia do you think will be victorious in 2007? 14 Sep 2007 | 05:32 pm
1) Jay Cutler 2) Ronnie Coleman View Results Technorati Tags: Mr. Olympia, Jay Cutler, Bodybuilding, Ronnie Coleman, Olympia
Wanted ad: Person to apply posing oil on fitness & bodybuilding competitors 13 Sep 2007 | 03:16 am
This job ad was posted to Arbetsförmedlingen, a Swedish employment agency with over 325 local offices, on Monday: Wanted: Posing oil smearer for the Swedish Championships in Bodybuilding/Fitness (1 P...