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Please Visit Our New Website 15 Jun 2008 | 05:50 am
The Brain Science Podcast and Blog website has moved to http://docartemis.com/brainsciencepodcast/. Within a few hours http://brainsciencepodcast.com should also point to the new site. This move will ...
Brain Science Podcast #39: Michael Arbib on Mirror Neurons 14 Jun 2008 | 03:30 am
Episode 39 of the Brain Science Podcast is an interview with Dr. Michael Arbib from the University of Southern California. Dr. Arbib’s work with functional brain imaging has established the presence o...
Exploring the Neuroscience of Visual Illusions 4 Jun 2008 | 06:53 am
I want to recommend this short piece on the Scientific American website: http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?id=the-neuroscience-of-illusion It includes an excellent slideshow that I am sure you will e...
Brain Science Podcast #38: Interview with Jeff Hawkins “On Intelligence” 31 May 2008 | 02:47 am
Episode 38 of the Brain Science Podcast is an interview with Jeff Hawkins, author of On Intelligence. Hawkins is well-known for founding Palm Computing and Handspring. He invented the Grafitti handwri...
Brain Science Podcast #37: Dr. John Medina discusses “Brain Rules” 17 May 2008 | 02:30 am
John Medina, PhD Episode 37 of the Brain Science Podcast is an interview with Dr. John Medina, author of Brain Rules: 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home, and School. We talk about...
“All in the Mind” looks at Nicotine and the Brain 14 May 2008 | 01:39 am
The May 10th episode of All in the Mind is an excellent discussion of the latest research about nicotine addiction. It includes a very balanced look at the controversy over the new smoking cessation d...
Brain Science Podcast #36: Art Glenberg on Embodied Cognition 2 May 2008 | 03:00 pm
Art Glenberg, PhD Episode 36 of the Brain Science Podcast is an interview with Arthur Glenberg, PhD about embodied cognition. Dr. Glenberg recently moved to Arizona State University after over 30 yea...
Transcript of György Buzsáki’s Interview is now On-line 28 Apr 2008 | 11:45 am
Episode 31 of the Brain Science Podcast was a challenging interview with György Buzsáki about his book Rhythms of the Brain. Thanks to listener Diane Jacobs we now have a transcript available for Epis...
Dan Ariely interview is available on Books and Ideas #19 27 Apr 2008 | 02:52 am
Dan Ariely is a professor of behavioral economics at MIT and author of the bestseller, Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions. He was my guest for episode 19 of Books and I...
Brain Science Podcast #35: A Closer Look at Mirror Neurons 19 Apr 2008 | 09:30 am
Brain Science Podcast #35 is a discussion of Mirrors in the brain: How our minds share actions, emotions, and experience by Giacomo Rizzolatti and Corrado Sinigaglia. Mirror neurons were discovered in...