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Every couple of seasons, like warriors of an ancient cult or like the antagonists in Games of Thrones, scholars arm themselves for battle over the ownership of the term “queer.” These battles have pit...
Queer Genealogies (Provisional Notes) 13 Jan 2013 | 07:37 pm
By Keguro Macharia I am seduced by the prospect of queer conference panels. I anticipate their erotic charge, their intellectual promiscuities, their fleshly abundance—so many queers in one space. I c...
Mark Aguhar’s Critical Flippancy 5 Aug 2012 | 03:43 am
By Roy Pérez Somewhere deep in the Call Out Queen archive, Mark Aguhar quotes a line from another artist’s film: THINKS HE CAN NARRATE MY LIFE BECAUSE I TAUGHT HIM ABOUT FIRE AND WHEELS.* I encounter...
That Oceanic Feeling 12 Jul 2012 | 08:46 pm
by Tavia Nyong’o 19- year-old Christopher Breaux fell hard for another straight boy who couldn’t love him back, confessing his love in a car parked in front of the girlfriend’s house. But the queeres...
Friends With Benefits + The Kids Are All Right = Friends With Kids 30 Apr 2012 | 03:48 pm
By Jack Halberstam We all know that Hollywood movies emerge out of a, shall we say, limited gene pool of ideas; and when that pool runs dry, the stumped screenplay writers just shuffle the jigsaw puz...
Bullybloggers on Failure and the Future of Queer Studies 3 Apr 2012 | 04:39 am
On March 26, 2012, Gayatri Gopinath at NYU convened a panel of queer scholars to discuss “Failure and the Future of Queer Studies.” Using Jack Halberstam’s new book, The Queer Art of Failure (Duke, 20...
Kony 2012: Inaudible Children 13 Mar 2012 | 05:21 am
By Tavia Nyong’o Can the subaltern speak? No, but she can certainly sob, with cries of raking loss and, a few rapid film cuts later, tears of heartwarming gratitude. I learned that much watching Kony...
Occupying Gender in the Singular Plural 22 Jan 2012 | 09:11 am
By Tavia Nyong’o Call me a sissy, but I’ve never particularly cared for being referred to as cisgender. Still, the work of transgendered activists within Occupy Wall Street has been one of things tha...
Darth Vader and Occupy Wall Street: A TwitterEssay by Ira Livingston 14 Nov 2011 | 10:10 am
1. There’s a new Volkswagen ad in which a child dressed as Darth Vader tries to use “The Force” to control objects in the world. Dad comes home from work and, standing with mom at the kitchen window...
Riots and Occupations: The Fall of the US and the Rise of The Politics of Refusal 19 Oct 2011 | 05:54 pm
BY JAYNA BROWN AND JACK HALBERSTAM If there was an Arab Spring, it has been followed by a US Fall, not simply an autumn of increased political protest and widespread dissatisfactions but also literal...