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Big Change 28 Aug 2008 | 04:56 pm
There has been much take place in 2008 (way too much to go into here), but the biggest change was a unit change. A few weeks ago I was pulled from my current unit and placed into another unit without ...
New Year’s Reception 31 Dec 2007 | 01:48 pm
This past Friday, my Love and I went to my Battalion Commander’s house for an early New Year’s/End-of-Year reception. The occasion was quite formal seeing that we wore our Dress Blue’s. We had a nice ...
Promotion – CPT K 22 Dec 2007 | 04:47 am
I am now CH (CPT) Kay. My promotion was held a few weeks ago and the ceremony was a wonderful event. My Love, Little Man and Baby Doll were able to attend and participate. My Commander said some kind ...
Special Coins 22 Dec 2007 | 04:31 am
Recently I received 2 coins that are very special to me. The first came during an unfortunate situation. About a month ago, a soldier in our Brigade passed away. Since we don’t currently have a Brigad...
Quick Hello 21 Oct 2007 | 02:38 pm
I wanted to stop in for a moment and give a peek at what has been happening. Life has never been crazier to say the least. After 7 years of church ministry, I never thought things could be as busy as ...
Sweet Betty 30 Sep 2007 | 04:57 pm
On Friday, I learned that a wonderful woman, know as Sweet Betty, passed away. The news shattered my heart while filling me with joy. Sweet Betty was a darling woman I knew from our last church. She w...
We Have Arrived 9 Sep 2007 | 02:30 pm
There is really no good excuse for not writing, so I won’t give you one. To say the past few weeks has been busy would be an understatement. Since my last entry, I have been to the field for a week, g...
Almost There 16 Aug 2007 | 02:25 pm
It is hard to imagine how quickly the past two to three weeks have flown. Let me explain my reason for not blogging. My family was able to visit for the past couple of weeks and their presence was dis...
Chaplain’s Ball – The Family is Here 29 Jul 2007 | 07:30 am
I am having a great weekend. My family finally arrived and our time together has been wonderful. Life just seems right having them here. I have felt more relaxed and peaceful. It’s neat how having tho...
Chapel Participation 18 Jul 2007 | 11:52 am
Here is a picture of a good friend, Chaplain May, and myself (thanks to CH Mark Olson). I have had the opportunity to lead music during chapel a few times – a great honor to lead people in worship. Th...