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Implementing the Silk Commission’s proposals, and the Welsh block grant 20 Jul 2013 | 05:12 pm
This post also appears on the Institute of Welsh Affairs’ ‘Click on Wales’ blog under the title ‘Havering over Welsh taxation’, here. I’ll be on BBC Radio Wales’s ‘Sunday Supplement’ programme to tal...
Evidence to Part 2 of the Silk Commission’s inquiry 17 Jul 2013 | 01:39 pm
A little while ago I submitted a formal memorandum of evidence to the Silk Commission, for part 2 of their inquiry into constitutional matters relating to Welsh devolution. It is concerned with const...
Spectator blog post on EU and Scottish independence referendums 9 May 2013 | 08:10 pm
The Conservative Party has been getting very excited about an EU referendum, perhaps in the term of the current parliament, following Lord Lawson’s piece in the Times calling for UK withdrawal and rei...
The Scottish Conservatives’ working group on devolution 26 Mar 2013 | 05:05 pm
Those listening to Ruth Davidson’s speech on further devolution (available here) will note that (along with Adam Tomkins) I shall be advising the Scottish Conservatives’ working group reviewing devolu...
Inheritance tax, ‘care caps’ for the elderly, and devolution 11 Feb 2013 | 09:48 pm
Inheritance tax (IHT to its friends) is an odd tax. It doesn’t raise a lot of money; £2.7 billion in 2010-11 according to HM Revenue and Customs, which sounds like a lot of money but was only 0.65 pe...
My involvement in the IPPR’s Devo More project 28 Jan 2013 | 02:00 pm
On Friday, IPPR published my paper Funding Devo More, the fruit of a long period of reflection about devolution finance and how the UK might do it differently and better (that’s available here). It ...
The ‘Funding Devo More’ launch 26 Jan 2013 | 02:30 pm
We held the Funding Devo More launch event in Edinburgh on Friday morning, with Willie Rennie MSP responding on behalf of the Scottish Lib Dems and Sarah Boyack MSP (a late replacement for Margaret Cu...
Extending devolution: ‘Funding Devo More’ and what it is trying to do 25 Jan 2013 | 12:27 pm
On Friday, IPPR are publishing a major paper of mine setting out a model for enhanced financial devolution (available here). It is intended first of all to offer a meaningful option for extended devo...
‘Financing Devo More’ in Scotland on Sunday 20 Jan 2013 | 03:38 pm
I’ve given Scotland on Sunday a preview of my IPPR report on devolution finance ‘Financing Devo More’ and they’ve given it generous coverage. There are news stories here and here, a comment piece by ...
Constituting an independent Scotland 17 Jan 2013 | 06:29 pm
The SNP’s silence about the constitution of an independent Scotland in recent years has been resounding. It adopted a draft constitution for an independent Scotland in 2002 (hard to find online, but ...