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Model mockery 23 Aug 2013 | 11:48 pm
(August 22, 2013) Top economist, a true believer in global warming, proves predictions of catastrophe are meaningless. By Lawrence Solomon for the National Post, published August 22, 2013 Pindyck di...
Listen to Energy Probe’s Norm Rubin on CBC Radio 16 Aug 2013 | 11:28 pm
(August 14, 2013) The 2003 Blackout ten years after — what have we learned from that experience and are we better off now? Matt Galloway asks Norm Rubin if it can happen again. Norm Rubin is Energy P...
The top 5 lies Of Obama’s climate change speech 11 Jul 2013 | 01:32 am
(June 26, 2013) President Obama’s recent presentation to Georgetown University rolled out a major plan to combat climate change in a speech “laden with myths, fables, distortions and outright lies” ac...
Lawrence Solomon: The new cold war 7 Jun 2013 | 10:10 pm
(June 6, 2013) Russia and Iran are now aligned against the U.S. and Sunni states. Continue reading →
Lawrence Solomon: Arctic sea ice continues to expand, silently 3 Jun 2013 | 11:33 pm
(June 1, 2013) There is now more ice in the Arctic for this time of year than in recent years, says the Danish Meteorological Institute’s Centre for Ocean and Ice, which shows 2013 topping every year ...
Lawrence Solomon: The oil war dividends 31 May 2013 | 08:56 pm
(May 31, 2013) Who stands to gain financially from war and unrest in the Middle East? Arms exporters? Yes, but their take is as nothing compared to the main profiteers from war – oil exporters. The mo...
Lawrence Solomon: Why Russia is in Syria 24 May 2013 | 10:59 pm
(May 23, 2013) To maintain Gazprom’s dominance in the European market, Putin has been fighting off competitors on numerous fronts. Continue reading →
Deniers still ranting like street-corner prophets 16 May 2013 | 01:55 am
(May 15, 2013) But it is Lawrence Solomon’s relentless rain dance around the facts that really galls, writes Telegram regular Peter Jackson. Continue reading →
‘Global warming’ was always far too important to be left to the scientists 26 Apr 2013 | 11:27 pm
(April 23, 2013) Columnist James Delingpole takes a humorous look at why a knowledge of history is the most useful intellectual lens through which to navigate the climate change debate. Lawrence Solom...
Lawrence Solomon: Quarantining Alberta oil 26 Apr 2013 | 10:24 pm
(April 25, 2013) Environmentalists are successfully ring-fencing the province. Continue reading →