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Reader Question #1: Is it morally wrong to break with my parents’ religion? 26 Aug 2013 | 08:50 am
As previously announced, I’ve decided to take interesting comments, questions, and topics posted to Helleneste kai Grammateus and answer them in longer articles. You can take advantage of my offer aft...
The Status of Helleneste kai Grammateus 26 Aug 2013 | 07:05 am
Announcements! As you know, I stepped down from the officer role of Grammateus (Secretary) of Hellenion in order to focus on my graduate studies, and consequently, had stopped updating Helleneste kai...
Orphic Hymn to Aurora 24 May 2012 | 08:58 am
http://youtu.be/lV0ZZ1Gpd9k We had the great pleasure of having Melissa of the Bees in our home the past few days. She saw my window-side altar to our household gods and was moved to sing the Orphic ...
An Appeal to Modern Writers, Mythologists, Seers, Oracles, Diviners, and Devotees of the Gods 24 Sep 2011 | 04:34 pm
I’ve been silent here since I started my MFA program, largely because the moũsai (muses) and my work ethic have given me little rest. But I was deeply moved to return when I came upon the stories of ...
Hellenion’s 2011 Hellenic Festival Calendar 30 Jan 2011 | 09:18 am
By Ivy Izzard. Available for print and use on altars at Redbubble. Hera is honored by Hellenion in January on the second Saturday of the month. Hellenion’s 2011 Calendar is available for download at H...