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Today’s Cuba Reveal: Cuenta Propismo 12 Aug 2013 | 08:13 am
I know more than a little about ‘cuento propismo,’ which in Cuba means freelancing (see note 1). I’ve been a cuenta propista writer since my grad school thesis was published and while writing is quali...
Just When You Think You Know Cubans 30 Jun 2013 | 04:08 pm
Loud, machista, brand-loco, bossy, gold medal (but loose and slippery) lovers: one – or several – of these stereotypes applies to most of the Cubans I know. Judging by the search terms used to land he...
Series #1: A Visitor’s Practicum 13 Jun 2013 | 05:07 pm
With this quartet of posts, I’m initiating a novel concept at Here is Havana: a series of old and new writing, linked by theme. While reading every post in the entire series is only for the anal/OCD a...
Cuba: What You Know but Don’t Realize 24 May 2013 | 05:14 pm
Over the years, I’ve dedicated (probably too) many hours analyzing, writing, editing, and commenting about the differences between here and there. The ‘there’ of which I speak is the US – from where I...
Pushing Your Luck in Cuba 4 May 2013 | 05:43 pm
The querida phenomenon; why locals love iron bars and pure-bred dogs; and the story behind those ridiculous ‘dos: Here is Havana is your go-to resource for the inside scoop on all sorts of Cuban cultu...
Trending, Cuba, April 2013 16 Apr 2013 | 08:57 am
Young/old, foreign/Cuban, gay/straight (and variations in between), black/white (and shades in between) – the crew gracing my living room lately is varied and invigorating. They’re a veritable cross s...
Havana Vice: Titimanía 21 Mar 2013 | 06:36 pm
I’m what’s known in these parts as a ‘temba.’ The term generally applies to anyone, male or female, over 40. It’s not a hard and fast rule – a younger person who looks older may be called a temba – … ...
Cuba: The Eternal Education 5 Mar 2013 | 06:59 pm
Some of you may remember my catharsis about know-it-all Cubans, a semi-measured rant dissecting the Cuban ardor for being right – even when they’re talking out their ass. Not surprisingly, there’s a s...
Birth of a Biker Bitch 20 Feb 2013 | 06:34 pm
Fifteen or so years ago I was living above a taquería and across the street from one of San Francisco’s largest thrift stores. Community Thrift wasn’t the hippest or most swank, but it stocked the ecl...
Backstage at Carlos Varela (& Other Religious Experiences) 7 Feb 2013 | 09:27 pm
Hi folks. Remember me? It has been a while and I’ve missed writing for the pure joy and fun of it. But between meeting deadlines for MEDICC Review and A Contemporary Cuba Reader, working on the coffee...