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My Seoul Adventure: Concert Day 2 24 Nov 2012 | 07:18 pm
So first day of the concert is done, OFF TO THE SECOND DAY!!! Me and the girls (Bicoy, Noriko and Katia) decided that we would like to get some decent sleep… After the first day of the concert, we wen...
My Seoul Adventure: Concert Day 1 23 Nov 2012 | 10:42 am
After a day full of lining up and queuing (for goods, for Missha gift, to get ininde the venue), I WAS FINALLY INSIDE!!! Yes people, I was THAT CLOSE to the stage. 4th row. Also, when I got to my seat...
My Seoul Adventure: Let’s Line Up!!! 21 Nov 2012 | 08:11 pm
My second day in Seoul, the FIRST DAY OF CATCH ME WORLD LIVE TOUR IN SEOUL!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH… I woke up recharged, excited, and just ready to get to the venue and cheer for my boys. We heard some...
My Seoul Adventure: Touch Down, Panic and Myeongdong 21 Nov 2012 | 03:24 pm
I landed at Incheon International Airport on the 16th of November. My flight arrived really early (around 6 am), so there was definitely more than enough time for me to explore Seoul with the girls. T...
My Seoul Adventure: Introduction 21 Nov 2012 | 07:02 am
So as everyone already know, I went to Seoul for TVXQ’s long awaited concert after almost 4 years… Their FIRST concert as a DUO in South Korea, their home. IT WAS FREAKING AWESOME, and I know that wha...
[Personal Review] A Song Without A Name (AKA M paying off a debt) 17 Sep 2012 | 05:56 am
Erm, so, I am awfully bad at maintaining this blog, but as I was reading back, I saw a post of my “debts” and one of them is my take on Yoochun’s Untitled song (A Song Without A Name). 2 people asked ...
My Favorite Moments from I Am the Movie 22 May 2012 | 12:29 am
My Favorite Moments from I Am the Movie WARNING: THIS POST WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS, if you don’t want spoilers, I suggest closing the browser or read another post, ^____^ Before I go into my favorite ...
-M- Fanaccount from Tohoshinki TONE Tour: Tokyo Dome 4/14-4/16 2012 part 3 21 May 2012 | 01:45 am
Sorry for posting this so late, but RL tends get to get the best of me when least expected, hahahaha… So a great big thanks to those who waited patiently for this post. Last post I ended with Shiawas...
-M- Fanaccount from Tohoshinki TONE Tour: Tokyo Dome 4/14-4/16 2012 part 2 30 Apr 2012 | 03:33 am
If you haven’t read the first part of my fanaccount, visit this link to read it. And I realized that I actually skipped THANK YOU MY GIRL in the last fanaccount *gets bricked* so even though you’ve re...
Rahasia di Balik Kesuksesan Duo TVXQ di Jepang 26 Apr 2012 | 03:48 am
Tak seorang pun menyangka hal ini akan terjadi. Bahkan setelah jumlah anggotanya berkurang dari lima menjadi dua, jumlah fans malah bertambah. Tour mereka berhasil menarik 550,000 orang, jumlah penont...