Wordpress - idxrets.wordpress.com - WordPress IDX RETS Integration

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Back to iPhone APP Testing 23 Feb 2012 | 04:30 am
Okay well this is one of those posts that I am going to use to test the new iPhone app for the IDX RETS and WordPress plug-in known as a WPRealty the iPhone app’s not going to be available to mid-June...
Visual iCheckRETS Interface 17 Nov 2011 | 06:54 am
Its been a while since I’ve had a chance to blog so I felt it would be worth mention today on my return to drop a little note about a new visual interface for iCheckRETS. iCheckRETS is a co-developed...
vieleRETS gets an overhaul 1 Mar 2011 | 04:43 am
I get these little status update emails from the developer at vieleRETS and the latest one stuck out for me because of the changes to the way mapping for target solutions is being dealt with. For thos...
New iProperty Code Generators 1 Mar 2011 | 04:01 am
After being handed down dozens of iProperty projects from the people at vieleRETS I fell so far behind that we were literally 3 to 4 weeks behind on all projects. The most time consuming part of ANY ...
iProperty for Joomla 16 Feb 2011 | 08:36 am
To answer a few common questions regarding MLS integration in iProperty I wanted to run down and answer for those curious about the possibilities. First, I’m not the developer of iProperty and I don’...
WPRealty 3.0 on the horizon 7 Dec 2010 | 08:32 am
Speaking with the developers last week I was pleased to learn that WPRealty 3.0 is on the horizon as an expected release date has been set for the first quarter of 2011. After examination of all the c...
WordPress IDX RETS Plugin 1 Feb 2010 | 03:42 pm
Is there a super plugin that pulls in your idx or rets data into WordPress that is free, open source and easy to use? Over the last 11 months I’ve followed a dozen or so threads related to the subjec...
Adding IDX or RETS to WordPress 29 Sep 2009 | 09:10 pm
WP Realty The WordPress Real Estate Plugin You know, I’ve been in this business almost 9 years, and after considering all my time spent on moding, core hacking, altering, integrating, bridging and ev...