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Εξέγερση Ελλήνων στο Αουσβιτς – Greek revolt in Auschwitz 7 October 1944 11 Feb 2013 | 11:16 am
http://israelyesgr.wordpress.com http://israelyesgr.wordpress.com Greek Revolt in Auschwitz: What a powerful video. I am sorry that I do not have English Subtitles. The video shows Greek witnesses, su...
Tell Your Children, Because it Returns – Πείτε το Στα Παιδιά σας, Γιατί Επαναλαμβάνεται! 31 Dec 2012 | 08:46 am
http://israelyesgr.wordpress.com http://israelyesgr.wordpress.com Antisemitism is Fashionable again: What a powerful video. Anti-semitism comes and goes. Thankfully Jews now have our own country wit...
United Nations Bias Against Israel – Μεροληψία του ΟΗΕ Ενάντια στο Ισραήλ! 3 Dec 2012 | 08:21 am
http://israelyesgr.wordpress.com http://israelyesgr.wordpress.com UN Bias = Credibility Loss: Extremely insightful video on the reasons why UN has been biased against Israel since 1975! Share this v...
Cartoon Explanation of Hamas Issue – To Πρόβλημα με την Χαμάς σε Κινούμενα Σχέδια :) 29 Nov 2012 | 09:04 am
http://israelyesgr.wordpress.com http://israelyesgr.wordpress.com Palestinian Issue: Hamas and other Terror groups behave like in the video below. This is a powerful video that must be shared with al...
Palestine Apartheid – Απαρτχαϊντ στη Παλαιστίνη 28 Nov 2012 | 08:14 am
http://israelyesgr.wordpress.com http://israelyesgr.wordpress.com Palestinian Αpartheid While Israel is full of different nationalities and minorities (Christian Arabs, Muslim Arabs) living among and...
Palestinian Photo/Video Fraud! – Παλαιστινιακή Φώτο/Βίντεο Επικοινωνιακή Απάτη! 24 Nov 2012 | 04:26 am
http://israelyesgr.wordpress.com http://israelyesgr.wordpress.com Palestinian Media Manipulation: This is how Palestinians manipulate world media and world media gladly goes with it, with no shame. T...
Differen Values – Άλλα Ήθη, Άλλα ‘Εθιμα 22 Nov 2012 | 11:52 pm
http://israelyesgr.wordpress.com http://israelyesgr.wordpress.com Truly Sad!… http://israelyesgr.wordpress.com Write a Commenτ! http://israelyesgr.wordpress.com Πραγματικά λυπηρό!… http://israelyesg...
Bus in Tel Aviv Bombed – Βόμβα σε Λεωφορείο στο Τελ Αβίβ 22 Nov 2012 | 03:58 am
http://israelyesgr.wordpress.com http://israelyesgr.wordpress.com What would you do if this bus was in Athens, London, Berlin or elsewhere… It was is Tel Aviv this morning, “gift” from the “Peace Lov...
Tel Aviv (Rishon Lezion) Hit! – Πρώτο Eπιτυχημένο Χτύπημα στο Τελ Αβιβ (Rishon Lezion)! 21 Nov 2012 | 10:32 am
http://israelyesgr.wordpress.com http://israelyesgr.wordpress.com Rocket marks first successful rocket hit on Tel Aviv area: The long-range rocket that slammed into a seven-story building in Rishon L...
What Media Will Not Tell You On Hamas! – Τι Δεν Θα Σας Πούνε Τα ΜΜΕ Για Την Χαμάς! 21 Nov 2012 | 02:09 am
http://israelyesgr.wordpress.com http://israelyesgr.wordpress.com Hamas is Killing Their Own Children: This arab child was killed by a Hamas missile intended for Israel that happened to land on their...