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2014 Toyota Corolla Gets 42 MPG? Read The Fine Print 27 Aug 2013 | 05:01 am
This is the 2014 Toyota Corolla, but not the one that gets 42 m.p.g. (Toyota) SAN DIEGO The 2014 Toyota Corolla is supposedly an all new, 11th-generation version of the model first introduced in 196...
Where Are The Diesel-Electric Hybrid Cars? 26 Aug 2013 | 11:39 pm
Audi races diesel-electric hybrids, but won’t sell them. (Audi) The idea behind auto racing is supposed to be “win on Sunday, sell on Monday.” So, my question to Audi recently was “why race diesel-e...
Indian Motorcycle: Undead (Again) 21 Aug 2013 | 05:01 am
Indian Classic, Vintage & Chieftain (Polaris Industries) The latest attempt at reviving the iconic but long-troubled Indian motorcycle brand was unveiled at the annual biker rally in Sturgis, S.D., i...
Project Rushmore Bikes Mark New Era for Harley-Davidson 21 Aug 2013 | 01:44 am
Project Rushmore bikes (Harley-Davidson) Harley-Davidson has unveiled a new line of motorcycles that were developed under Project Rushmore, an initiative meant to bring a new level of sophistication ...
1949 Voisin Biscooter: 2013 Concours d’LeMons Worst of Show 18 Aug 2013 | 03:01 am
Beauty shot of a 1949 Voisin Biscooter prototype (RM Auctions) SEASIDE, Calif. A 1949 Voisin Biscooter prototype, one of two personally owned by famed luxury car designer and aviation engineer Gabri...
A More Enthusiastic Thumbs Up For The 2013 Audi Allroad 11 Aug 2013 | 10:01 pm
The 2013 Audi Allroad, $50,670 as tested, is a good “getaway car”. (Jerry Garrett Photo) A few months ago, in my review of the new-for-2013 Audi Allroad for The New York Times, I was lukewarm in my p...
ELYSIUM’s Black & Red Spaceship? A 2154 Bugatti! 10 Aug 2013 | 04:34 am
Recognize that stylish logo? (Sony Pictures) What was that sleek black and red spaceship in the movie “Elysium“? You know, the one John Carlyle (William Fichter) commutes back and forth from his off...
2013 Perseid Meteors: “Great Balls of Fire!” August 11-12-13 7 Aug 2013 | 09:51 pm
A new NASA study says the Perseids are the “fireball” meteor shower. The peak of the 2013 version of Perseid Meteor Shower is coming! What can star-gazers expect? To paraphrase the great Jerry Lee ...
Are Tony Stewart’s Sprint Car Racing Days Over? 7 Aug 2013 | 04:12 am
Tony Stewart’s bare left arm is visible as rescue workers surround him, and prepare him for an air ambulance ride to a hospital after an Aug. 5 sprint car crash in Iowa. (Oskaloosa News) Are Tony Ste...
Whatever Happened To The ‘Fast Five’ Pantera? 5 Aug 2013 | 04:16 am
A De Tomaso Pantera gets ready for a rough unload from a train in “Fast Five” (Universal) HOLLYWOOD, Calif. One of the more memorable sequences in the crash-’em-up chase movie, “Fast Five,” involves...