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The “American Dream” is more relevant in Canada than the USA 21 Aug 2013 | 01:21 am
In the USA, the American Dream is the promise to have it all and enjoy it all. It’s been glorified and sentimentalized as a utopian goal not just by the media and Hollywood stars, but also by business...
Why would you run a government ad campaign that is a bust? 24 Jul 2013 | 10:31 pm
It is a total mystery to those who work in the public sector marketing field why the government insists on running an ad campaign that has reach its “best before date” and clearly is not working. W...
Happy Canada Day from the Centre of Excellence for Public Sector Marketing 29 Jun 2013 | 03:50 pm
There was a report in the world news that someone in Pakistan had placed an ad in a newspaper with an offer of a reward to anyone who killed a Canadian-any Canadian. Who in God’s name would want to ki...
Government spends more money on survey to give us an inferior product 28 Jun 2013 | 12:28 am
In 2010 I wrote a blog about the The Senseless Census Now actually I always felt that the government should rethink the census. Although the info we get from the National Household Survey (NHS) is us...
Who owns Social Media? Marketing? Communications? Other 26 Jun 2013 | 11:59 pm
In the past, it was quite easy for organizations to segment different types of outreach or communication into departments. Marketing and Communications in some organizations operated separately from o...
The Trudeau Affair: What are the implications for Canadian Non-Profits? 25 Jun 2013 | 09:38 pm
Fundraising is a big business. It is a significant way that non-profit organizations obtain money for their operations. These operations can involve a very broad array of concerns such as religious or...
New format for the Professional Certificate in Public Sector and Non-Profit Marketing 2014 21 Jun 2013 | 01:10 am
Practical and applicable marketing knowledge for public and non-profit organizations February 9-14, 2014 NEW FORMAT Overview: There is a rising need for highly-skilled marketing professionals in t...
The Biggest Mistake I ever made in Social Marketing 18 May 2013 | 12:26 am
Question Time with “The Gurus” – “The Biggest Mistake I Ever Made…” Leading social marketers discuss their biggest social marketing mistakes and how you can learn from them. Followed by an interactive...
Why Political Parties should have Marketers run their Campaigns Part 3: The British Colombia election 17 May 2013 | 09:19 pm
This is the third in a series of blogs on why Political Parties should have Marketers run their campaign. My last blog on this topic is Why Political Parties should have Marketers run their Campaigns...
“It’s about marketing; no it’s about the social” 16 May 2013 | 02:37 am
This is my presentation from the World Social Marketing Conference in Toronto on April 22, 2013. The Big Debate – “It’s about marketing; no it’s about the social” Speaking for “marketing” - Nancy Le...