Wordpress - joshteam.wordpress.com - Josh Team - SEO / Engineer

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Social & Search – My Video Interview 17 Apr 2011 | 11:25 am
So, I’ve started the new gig at Splash, a social media company, and I got to talk about my POV on Social & Search. Check it out:
Automatic SEO Page Titles 15 Jul 2009 | 08:51 am
We all do it. Keyword research, CTR analysis, etc and figure out our perfect keyword. Put it in the <title> – and watch. After enough data has been captured.. we repeat, adjust, etc. Eli on his SEO Bl...
PingCrawl 2 18 Jun 2009 | 03:16 am
This is a follow up to PingCrawl which you can read about in full detail there. PingCrawl v2 fixes some of the main issues people reported including: php4 support more shared hosting friendly wp 2....
Doctrine & Zend_Paginate 1 Jun 2009 | 05:21 pm
So, I personally am a huge fan of the doctrine project. And, seeing as I am using Zend Framework I utilize Zend_Paginate in my service layer. All that being said, let me introduce you to my Doctrine P...
PingCrawl, WordPress plugin 5 Aug 2008 | 05:05 pm
PingCrawl Version2 Can be found Here So, I was working with Eli about a cool & helpful plugin that we could develop & use for our projects and we { more he than I } came up with the idea of PingCrawl...
Zend_Db_Table with Normalized Tables 14 May 2008 | 03:18 am
So in my latest project I’ve been using Zend_Db_Table which is really nice for interfacing with a table, however it lends itself for a simple table structure which maps perfectly with your php/applica...
User Login with Zend Framework 11 May 2008 | 04:43 am
So my last post I showed a simple little form I had created for letting people create records. Let’s talk about something a little more useful this time. It is very common to want to include a login f...
ZF & Zend_Form 8 May 2008 | 10:26 am
So I’ve been using ZF more and more, and have come across another reason Zend Framework is just superior imo. Zend Form! All developers have had the same issues with Forms, and keeping it a) reusable...
Zend Framework Q&A Webinar 1 May 2008 | 07:21 am
The Zend Framework team conducted a 2hour QA session earlier today, and I was only able to catch the first half of it and here are some of the key parts that I caught wind of I wanted to share with th...
The “Innovative” TreeCordian 30 Apr 2008 | 05:08 pm
So I have had the DISTINCT pleasure of implementing a “new & innovative” navigational control from the brilliant minds of our Creative department at work. Let me lay down a little bit of the ground wo...