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Made-up science: “Liking” or “disliking” in general is a personality trait! 27 Aug 2013 | 01:56 pm
This comes into the category – not of bad science – but what I would call “made-up science” where something fairly trivial and obvious is made sufficiently complicated to be addressed by “scientific m...
Farmers’ Almanac caldron “toils and troubles” and predicts a bitterly cold winter 26 Aug 2013 | 12:27 pm
How exactly the Farmers’ Almanac makes its predictions is a closely guarded secret. But they tend to be right around 80% of the time. Based on planetary positions, sunspots and lunar cycles, the alma...
Late spring, early autumn this year? 26 Aug 2013 | 11:04 am
This morning it feels like Autumn is here. Frost has not quite reached us but it is not very far away. The mist is rising thickly as the sun rises. And the deer are in the garden cleaning up all the f...
O Fontana! Is Rudd losing his election on rudeness? 24 Aug 2013 | 02:09 pm
Two weeks to go to the Australian election and maybe the campaign is now beginning to show some signs of life. But things are not looking very good for Kevin Rudd. The campaign has been fairly lacklu...
Integrated Assessment Climate models tell us “very little” 24 Aug 2013 | 12:05 pm
Mathematical models are used – and used successfully – everyday in Engineering, Science, Medicine and Business. Their usefulness is determined – and some are extremely useful – by knowing their limita...
“Preoccupied” and “fearful” types use Facebook for partner surveillance 23 Aug 2013 | 11:14 pm
Yet another Facebook survey. This time to try and discern types of people who use Facebook to monitor their partners. It’s all data I suppose. But I’m not sure if a plethora of little surveys such as ...
Humans are enabling some animals to evolve larger brains 23 Aug 2013 | 11:30 am
As humans implement artificial selection on themselves – a process and a force for evolution operating much faster than natural selection could - they are also changing the environment for evolutiona...
Anil Ambani chooses the “selective memory defense” 23 Aug 2013 | 09:51 am
The saga continues. The potential connection between the Indian 2G scam and the menagerie of companies in the Anil Ambani group (Swan, Tiger, Parrot, Zebra, Penguin and Giraffe.) surfaced in early 20...
Beetles reduce methane production from cowpats 22 Aug 2013 | 09:52 pm
Leaving aside all the extraneous nonsense about global warming and cattle flatulence – which was not actually studied at all – this paper by an intrepid Finnish researcher does address the effect of d...
Australian election: The battle of the zeros 22 Aug 2013 | 03:12 pm
The campaign is half over and two and a half weeks remain. Maybe it is very exciting to those close the campaign. But to an observer on the other side of the world, it has all been rather dull and di...