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Letters to Rob dot com 14 Jul 2010 | 03:50 am
Dear Rob, It’s been over a month at our new home at LetterstoRob.com and we love it, but we’re dumbfounded why people still think they can find new letters to you here. You know where to find us. Now...
Letters to Rob DOT COM 15 Jun 2010 | 03:09 pm
I'm your uncle. And I am creepy Dear Creepy Uncle Rob, Will you tell our readers that if they don’t stop coming HERE to read letters to your hot nephew we will spam their lives with pictures of...
Letter to Rob 10 Jun 2010 | 02:39 pm
Dear Rob, Why after moving our blogs permanently to letterstorob.com on Monday did TONS of people still visit THIS site yesterday!? Oh, maybe not everybody KNOWS! This is another reminder! We have p...
LTR has moved!!! 8 Jun 2010 | 12:00 am
Dear Rob and LTR readers- Time to pack up and say goodbye to this ol .wordpress.com blog and head over to our very own, brand spanking new digs at LetterstoRob.com and LetterstoTwilight.com!! Yes, af...
Open Weekend Post – Hosted by 16yr old trespasser on Water for Elephants set! 6 Jun 2010 | 12:00 am
The bush is that way? Message from Sunday afternoon: You might start to see some weird stuff- the site might go down- I might ruin everything. Fingers crossed that none of that happens, but if it doe...
Happy Birthday UC – Who’s that girl? 5 Jun 2010 | 12:00 am
Dear Rob, Have you ever met a girl that’s just perfect for you? Loves good music but can also crank out some Bon Jovi at Karaoke when called upon She appreciates a good (or any, really) cupcake Sh...
Rob Pattinson: 3 scenarios for your future 4 Jun 2010 | 12:00 am
Rob- it turns out that saying “Honey, I know it’s our 4 year anniversary but I have to write Rob a letter” doesn’t quite turn on the hubby like one would think. So as I was, uh, occupied last night, I...
Team Skarsgard vs Team Pattinson – Which side will you choose? 3 Jun 2010 | 12:00 am
*UPDATED SPECIAL NOTE: If you’re name is NOT UC than click this link for a special note from Moon! DO IT!* Dear Rob, It’s time. I’m ready to stir it up again, cause a little commotion, turn some hea...
Dreaming of Rob Pattinson (cause that’s totally normal) 2 Jun 2010 | 12:00 am
Dreams about Rob- we love having them & sharing them. And I’ve decided to add a new feature to LTR “Dreams about Rob!” Read on! Dear Letters to Rob, Last night was the first time I’ve ever dreamed o...
Robert Pattinson gets a Brazilian Blowout from Tom Cruise 1 Jun 2010 | 12:00 am
(It’s Memorial Day here in the States so we’re busy celebrating in backyards across America by charring meat on grills and jumping in pool or through sprinklers to show our appreciation for our servic...