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Renovating sucks 13 Jan 2013 | 02:06 am
We are renovating our house right now. Hell, we’ve been renovating it for years. But in August we really got working on the kitchen. Kyle is building our kitchen, so in August he had some time off, & ...
i’m not wonder woman (and i don’t want to be) 4 Jan 2013 | 08:07 pm
i’ve been on holidays for the past two weeks, and while there have been some ups and downs, overall, i’ve really enjoyed the time off. and i think today i finally realized exactly why: i’ve actually t...
Coffee? Tea? Monster? 11 Aug 2012 | 07:47 pm
I have been wanting to write a post here for a while, but I never know what to say. So I have said nothing. I’m not even sure I will finish this. I’m writing this on my phone with a band-aid on my lef...
Davy jones had it all figured out. Keep your heart locked in a chest. It’s safer that way. 28 Apr 2012 | 03:11 pm
I don’t know if I was always like this, but over the last 10 years for sure, I have been quite guarded with who I let close to me. I get along with a lot of people, but I tend to keep them at more of ...
Full House 16 Aug 2011 | 02:40 am
My house is quiet again and it is so nice. Two weekends ago my parents visited for a few days. Then last Monday Kyle’s parents came for a visit. They left Thursday morning, and Thursday night brought ...
holy crap, I’m updating! 4 Aug 2011 | 05:31 am
Wow, I just realized it has been a very very long time since I last posted here. I’ve really had nothing to say lately, so I guess that’s why. Xander finished his first year of school (well, preschool...
weight loss update 28 Apr 2011 | 07:11 am
It’s been a few months since I really started trying to lose weight, so I figured it was time for an update. So far I’ve managed to lose almost 20 pounds. Some days it feels like it, and other days it...
Smitten Kitchen – My Go-To Site for Yummy Food 15 Apr 2011 | 02:05 am
My friend Kathi kept posting recipes from a site called Smitten Kitchen, and every once in a while I would go and check them out. And I’m not really sure when or how it happened, but this site has bec...
Sunday Morning Family Breakfast 29 Mar 2011 | 03:04 am
When we lived in Calgary we had family around. I grew up far away from all my family, so I wasn’t really close with many of them. But then my parents and I moved to Calgary, and suddenly several of my...
Product Review: Nice & Easy Colour Blend Foam 28 Mar 2011 | 01:09 pm
I’m trying something new today. Well, another new thing. I tried the new Nice & Easy Colour Blend Foam today, and figured I would post about my experience. In posting this, I just want to let everyon...