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Titer tests instead of vaccines? 12 Aug 2011 | 02:48 pm
Titer tests instead of vaccines? Something to get excited about! I’m really excited about a new titer test we are offering members of My Personal Vet. The Canine VacciCheck tests dogs to see if the...
A splinter in my dog’s eye? 18 Jun 2011 | 04:41 pm
I teach and preach about early detection for diseases and problems in dogs and cats – and today I was tested, yet again. FlyGirl is my 9 year old red and white Border Collie. She’s crazy by nature a...
Welcome Home Cynthia 12 Apr 2011 | 04:03 pm
Photo of “Berry” by Orsi Cseke Welcome Home Cynthia I have been waiting here longing for you, You helped me when I felt so lost and alone. No one but you saw the fear in my eyes, And the joy I co...
Dogs don’t wear Dentures 12 Feb 2011 | 03:04 pm
Pulling teeth is the sad result of not enough dental care. And dentures are not an option for dogs. Without proper care, teeth and gums get diseased and bad breath is the result. Bad dog breath is not...
Wishing you a fun season! 26 Dec 2010 | 04:44 pm
Such a great year! We’ve made so many new friends and met some really wonderful dogs and cats. Here’s a little fun we had. Enjoy!
Tired of Battling Fleas Alone? 13 Oct 2010 | 03:34 pm
We all need a little help sometimes! The Ultimate for inside Flea Fighting: Fleabusters Not only do they come into your home and handle all the grunt work for you, they guarantee their work! They pr...
Don’t have fleas? Read this! 12 Oct 2010 | 02:27 pm
A long time ago, I read a study about cats and fleas. I can’t find the study now, even with Google, but here’s the gist: They took a lot of cats (twenty?) and put them in cat-safe but flea-tight cages...
Travelling to Northern California? 21 Aug 2010 | 05:26 pm
Lots of activities for your pet, too There’s a San Francisco Bay Area site, www.InCirclePets.com, where folks can find pet activities, where to go, what to do, local news. All kinds of ideas, traini...
California DMV 17 Aug 2010 | 12:24 pm
California Driver Handbook update An Animal Safety Warning is being included in the California Driver Handbook. Assemblymember Anthony Portantino (La Cañada Flintridge) and the Department of Motor Ve...
Adult Cat and Dog Vaccinations 11 Aug 2010 | 03:15 am
A Quick Reference Guide Clients ask us all the time, “What vaccines do my pets need?” For each pet, we customize all aspects of their care; vaccinations included. You will be asked about each pet’s ...