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Genetic Entropy finally starting to make waves 7 Mar 2013 | 10:45 am
Although stated from time to time as a scientific hypothesis, the theory of devolution, or negative evolution if you will, has had a hard time attaining recognition in a culture which congratulates it...
Creationism, The Principle Behind The Ontological Dualism of Humanity and Nature 3 Jan 2013 | 10:40 pm
The Natural Sciences vs. the Human Sciences, the contribution of General Creationism Christian creationism, whatever subschool is in question (Gap, Framework, Old Earth, Young Earth etc.) goes beyond ...
Ontological Dualism of Nature/Humanity Founded on Creationism 3 Jan 2013 | 11:04 am
To the reader In the immediate future I hope (God willing!) to make a categorical survey of “creationism” in its broadest sense. First of all this entails making a distinction between creationism in ...
Pico’s Resolution! 1 Jan 2013 | 07:56 pm
Onward Christian Anthropologists! Last year I let this blog go quiet, but in the meantime I have been trying to flesh out some ideas about Christian Anthropology, which are now ready (or at least semi...
Burn ‘em at the stake!: Refuting Cowen’s Libertarian Heresies 10 Jun 2008 | 07:09 pm
Tylor Cowen goes to bat against paleolibertarianism Tylor Cowen, who has artfully managed to turn economic analysis into a running commentary on life style enhancement, has recently given a succinct ...
Sudha Shenoy: In Memoriam 6 Jun 2008 | 02:46 pm
A Woman in the True Tradition of Political Economy Sudha Shenoy 1947-2008, was more than an economist, she was a keeper of academic traditions, a living lore-mistress, a transition belt between cultu...
Tom Paine and our pain: A critique of Rothbard’s reasoning on republics 25 Apr 2008 | 06:19 pm
“The Sudden Emergence of Tom Pain” and the evolution of libertarian theory It is a maxim of conservative thought, which should be fully shared by paleolibertarians, that good things evolve, while evi...
This wasn’t supposed to happen in modernity 18 Apr 2008 | 06:51 pm
A Tale of Two Spectors A spector is begining to haunt the world: mass hunger. Actually two spectors for the price of one, and I’ll get around to the second spector further on, but for the moment hun...
Oops, a characteristic bit of self-Bowlderization 18 Apr 2008 | 03:11 pm
There was actally one more category in the “Tag Game” which I conveniently forgot to include: Name three (fortunately not five!) of your faults. Here goes… Getting hopping mad (yes, I literally hop, ...
Tagged 18 Apr 2008 | 02:29 pm
The Western Confucian “tagged me”…a game in which you blog: What you were doing ten years ago Five jobs you held in past Five places you have lived in the past Five things you plan to do to day T...