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Anti-fluoridationist astro-turfing and media manipulation 27 Aug 2013 | 08:00 am
Update: The National Fluoridation Information Service today responded to the NZFIS press release to make clear that it did not originate from them (see 27.08.13MediaReleaseFinal). The recent attempt ...
Anti-fluoride activists attempt to silence science 23 Aug 2013 | 04:04 am
Roger Stratford, a local aspiring politician, wants scientist to shut up. He is campaigning against the fluoridation of Hamilton’s water supply (we have a referendum coming up) and is a member of Fluo...
Crazy ideas and “supernatural” phenomena 22 Aug 2013 | 07:17 am
Credit: xkcd (http://xkcd.com/808/) I like this little list because it demonstrates that science doesn’t reject far out ideas, just because they are far out. The decision is made on evidence. Rela...
Experts speak out on fluoridation 21 Aug 2013 | 07:34 am
This is a letter to Dunedin City Councillors from 21 senior School of Dentistry staff. They believe that fluoridation of Dunedin’s water supply should be retained and expanded. As the Otago Daily Time...
Fluoride sensitivity – all in the mind? 18 Aug 2013 | 09:32 am
I have had a few letters from anti-fluoridation activists lately assuring me they have symptoms of fluoride sensitivity, or hypersensitivity. The local campaigners have even produced a video of one of...
Earthquakes and twitter 16 Aug 2013 | 12:10 pm
Cyber-bullying – what’s with sunscreen? 14 Aug 2013 | 03:42 pm
Credit: xkcd I know cyber bullying is a problem with teenagers but even oldies seem to fall victim. They don’t have to particpate in on-line discussion very long before they find cyber bullying is ev...
Anti-fluoridation study flawed – petition rejected 14 Aug 2013 | 07:40 am
A recent research paper claiming a signficant cost/benefit advantage in banning the use of fluorosilicic acid as a fluoridating agent in public water treatment, and replacing it with sodium fluoride, ...
News media influences public trust in science 12 Aug 2013 | 09:09 am
No one will be surprised at the headline on Dana Nuccitelli‘s Guardian blog - Fox News found to be a major driving force behind global warming denial. Still, the article references a new research pape...
The “consensus message” in communicating science 11 Aug 2013 | 06:28 am
Here is an interesting talk by John Cook from the University of Queensland. He is presenting results from his PhD research on the effect of consensus information on public attitudes towards climate sc...