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This Saturday, December 17 in NY: International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers 14 Dec 2011 | 04:36 pm
Last year we posted information about the International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers and why this is important, just after the bodies of sex workers were discovered on Long Island. No one h...
Monday: 55-year-old vet charged with murder 29 Dec 2010 | 07:14 pm
A military veteran Hassam Malik is charged with killing 28-year-old Betty Williams in his East Harlem apartment. He has reportedly said that he paid her to have sex and claims that she attacked him f...
Client 9: Ashley Dupre sets the record straight 27 Dec 2010 | 08:35 am
In today’s New York Post, former escort Ashley Dupre clears up a few misunderstandings. Why did she choose not to appear in Alex Gibney’s “Client 9: The Rise and Fall of Eliot Spitze r”? There are tw...
NY Daily News: Voice of the sex worker 20 Dec 2010 | 08:54 am
NY DAILY NEWS: Audacia responds to a serial killer’s remarks about prostitutes. Top item in today’s “Voice of the People.” Other readers are outraged as well. MSM link here. Filed under: Audacia Ra...
Sunday night: Come to a Ho-liday Bash hosted by Zoe Hansen (no cover/no minimum) 19 Dec 2010 | 12:00 pm
PONY talent will be abundant on Sunday night at the Bowery Poetry Club! Zoe Hansen (ex-madam, ex-junkie, ex-hooker, now a memoirist) is your host. Jodi Sh Doff performing from her one-woman show: “Ho...
Violence in Year Seven: NBC video, Merseyside police tactics + more 19 Dec 2010 | 07:45 am
[This post has been updated - scroll down.] his year NBC covered the December 17 event at Manhattan’s Metropolitan Community Church. Watch here. On December 17, 2003 when PONY members met on the ste...
NY: Audacia on Channel 4 11 pm news tonight 17 Dec 2010 | 07:11 am
Look for Audacia Ray on the 11 pm news this evening, WNBC Channel 4. She’ll be talking to Tom Llamas about our December 17 event and the latest issues facing sex workers – New York and everywhere els...
Why December 17? Audacia Ray explains… 16 Dec 2010 | 06:36 am
“The first time Kyomya Macklean did sex work,” writes Audacia, “her client turned violent after she refused to have sex without a condom…” But December 17 isn’t about stereotyping our clients. It’s ab...