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The sewing roll tutorial 22 Nov 2010 | 05:55 am
My entry for the xmas sewing comptetition with the sewing directory and cloth magazine was a sewing roll tutorial, I was pleasently surprised when it got placed I have made a few of these now to use a...
New hair lovelies… 7 Nov 2010 | 10:15 pm
So have been working on more stock for the shop and made a few new lovelies that have taken longer than they should have. Lots of beads and colour has gone into my work, as I hate the greyness of the ...
Apple picking and other interesting things… 7 Nov 2010 | 10:03 pm
Last weekend we went apple picking which was a lot of fun. The kids had not been before and we went to Hewlitts farm in Kent, recommended by a workshop participant, thanks Emma for this. The apples w...
On fabric printing… 31 Oct 2010 | 10:48 pm
While working on Ayaan’s cushion, I used photo printing fabric which is fine for this project but there there is a film which makes the fabric slightly thicker. I was browsing on the google reader and...
First pictures… 30 Oct 2010 | 02:55 am
I had an aha moment when I realised just how grown up my son Ayaan has become. This week has been half term and together with lots of other activities there has been a lot of drawing and colouring goi...
Pretty goods blog giveaway 25 Oct 2010 | 06:28 pm
So in my daily browsing of blogs I stumbled on pretty goods doing a very nice blog giveaway of a brighton inspired cushion. Very nice indeed. Am working on a tutorial for a chirstmas present which sh...
Cushions and Home style decorating. 25 Oct 2010 | 08:37 am
Ahhh, I hit the wrong button before I finished with the post and it got sent out. To those of you who read this, am sorry. Here is the finished version. I love this months country homes issue and fun...
Things that are making me smile… 13 Oct 2010 | 09:21 am
So its been a big week. Tami turned three and is just amazing. Ayaan, four is also constantly keeping me smiling…. Ayaan age 4 My new computer is doing amazing things for me. The happiness I f...
Recycled money cuff tutorial 20 Sep 2010 | 10:53 pm
Hello. Has been ages since my last post but there has just been tons going on. I keep taking pictures of things ‘for the blog’ which never gets written ! The reasons why dear readers , is that my comp...
Things to think about… 14 Jun 2010 | 08:34 pm
I have been hibernating and reading all the wonderfull sewing things that have been going on in blog land. So for all of us who love to sew here are a few of fantastic blogs that really should be giv...