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uda bulan Mei lagi.. 3 May 2013 | 05:57 pm
waktu begitu cepat berlalu yaa.. perasaan baru aja ngerayain tahun baru, eh tau2 uda bulan mei lagi. sering aku bilang ke suami, rasanya kok hidupku ini kurang produktif yaa.. (gak ngapa2in, gak mengh...
it’s a wonderful world 17 Apr 2013 | 10:24 pm
i’m grateful and feeling so blessed.. to live in a world full of talented people the doctors who saved my life the writers who wrote great books the composers of beautiful music the directors of heart...
garden in the making 1 Jan 2013 | 02:22 am
Post ini telah ditulis sejak beberapa bulan yg lalu, namun belum berhasil diselesaikan.. repotnya punya anak. Jadi baru bisa terselesaikan dan di-post hari ini Ini dia.. Sebenarnya yg paling enak itu ...
Good bye 2012 1 Jan 2013 | 01:44 am
It’s new year’s eve.. had my dinner and little K is sleeping.. now we are sitting on the couch with the sound of fireworks every now and then, hubby with his laptop on his lap browsing and I with mine...
In the children’s playroom 1 Jan 2013 | 12:51 am
Little K likes to play with other children. Whenever we are in a mall we will take her to the children’s playroom provided by the mall. A week ago, I took little K there while waiting for the husband....
Aalborg city – Denmark 4 Nov 2012 | 04:15 pm
We went to Aalborg for a short vacation last month. The journey was a 45 minutes drive from Arendal to Christiansand + 3 hours of ferry (operated by Colorline), and then another 45 minutes drive from ...
Home 17 Jul 2012 | 03:10 am
Rumah tampak luar Tampak dalamnya si masih berantakan meskipun uda 2 mingguan kita pindah ke sini Semoga tetangga sebelah orangnya baek hati dan tidak sombong yaa.. mereka baru pindah pertengahan se...
one year of parenting 18 Jun 2012 | 03:46 am
Last week baby K turned one year, it means that we have survived a year of parenthood.. HURRAAA !! even after one year, nothing much has changed really i still have to breastfeed baby K like she i...
house hunting 17 Jun 2012 | 03:18 am
Kalo sesuai rencana, maka kita akan pindah rumah lagi pada awal July mendatang. Yaa, siap2 capek lagi deh ! Beli rumah itu sebenarnya gampang2 susah ya.. soale ada yg namanya “kendala budget”, belum ...
life with a baby 3 Jun 2012 | 05:44 pm
Hidupku benar2 berubah 270 derajat setelah ada baby K - masak dan makan express punya - ke kamar mandi juga express dan tentu saja harus bawa baby K, skrg uda rada lumayan.. kalo cuma bentar uda bis...