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!!! (Part 2) 21 Nov 2010 | 05:38 pm
About time I got around to this. Apologies for the delay. Here’s an image of a Taj Mahal hot air balloon as compensation: So, yeah. Here’s how it started: on the back of a press release during a part...
!!! (Part 1) 5 Sep 2010 | 05:40 pm
Explanations soon. (Props to KK for the title of this blogpost, being an exploration in the odd dissonance of Krishna Ananthian online discourse)
Freeloading Till Friday 29 Jun 2010 | 12:56 am
This one’s epic. Mostly true story of how I survived the last week of April with 100 bucks.
June 15 Jun 2010 | 07:27 am
(From Scott Pilgrim’s Precious Little Life, page 86)
The New House 6 Apr 2010 | 06:03 pm
So I moved into a new house. My previous roommate, a nice enough fellow who used to switch off the fridge at night to ‘conserve electricity,’ decided to move on to better things despite being paid mo...
Weekend Adventures 12 17 Mar 2010 | 05:02 pm
This weekend, I met China Mieville: Saw this: met one of Delhi’s Chair Reapers: Ate this: And played lots and lots and lots of Ticket to Ride:
Lists updated. 18 Feb 2010 | 01:09 am
On the occasion of the Chinese New Year, I’ve put up a bunch of new thingies to aspire to the coming year- most are next to impossible. Kung Hei Fat Choi, everyone!
Ultra Mega Comics Blowout (Final Part) 6 Feb 2010 | 06:48 am
These are all the special cases. They’re a little more personal than the others.
Ultra Mega Comics Blowout (Part 2) 1 Feb 2010 | 11:14 pm
Part 1 was all the new stuff. These are some old ones I never got around to scanning: possibly my favourite one to draw More tomorrow.
Ultra Mega Comics Blowout (Part 1) 1 Feb 2010 | 05:04 am
I had five minutes with a digital camera in a room illuminated by one 100 watt light bulb. Apologies for the funny but inevitable shadows, and clicky click for larger size versions. side profiles! p...