Wordpress - ss3singapore.wordpress.com - Super Show 3 Singapore

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We have moved! :D 30 Nov 2011 | 10:15 pm
Hi all, In preparation for Super Show 4 Singapore, we have set up a new twitter and facebook page ^^ We have lots of ideas and hope to make it a great success so please continue to support us! Twitt...
SS3 Singapore Pictures and Videos ^^ 6 Feb 2011 | 11:31 pm
Hey all, we hope that all who attended SS3 Singapore had a great time during the concert and lots of fun! ^^ It’s taken us awhile but we have finally finished compling all the pictures and videos that...
SS3@SG’s Goodie-bag and Food Support for SS3 Singapore 6 Feb 2011 | 11:28 pm
Hey everyone! Hope you all are well As we’ve mentioned in our previous post on our wordpress, SS3@SG along with PBSG was involved in the sponsership of Goodie-bags and Food Support for Super Junior an...
Goodie-bags + Food support for SJ and the crew 17 Jan 2011 | 07:16 pm
We will be sponsoring goodie-bags and providing food support along with PearlBlueSG! The list of sponsered items are as follows:) 1) Goodie-bags: • 15 sets of cookies and Stickys (SS3@SG) • 15 + 8...
[PROMO] Pink Guitars – Sungmin fan support 5 Jan 2011 | 05:49 am
Pink Guitars is a fan support group set up by fans of Sungmin for SS3SG~ *Please note that this is not an affiliate of SS3@SG There are 2 parts to their project: The Support Part – PINK GUITARS Th...
[Promo] SS3SG T-Shirt 24 Dec 2010 | 08:13 pm
Want a SS3 T-Shirt? *This is a Promo and is not part of SS3@SG’s merchandise~!
Feedback form! 13 Dec 2010 | 04:32 pm
Hello all! ^^~ We just recently passed our 3-month anniversary on November 30th! It’s been a blast working on this, and throughout these 3 months we’ve learnt a lot: from you guys, from people aroun...
Fanchant Practice Session 29 Nov 2010 | 08:04 pm
Ddetails of the Fanchant Practice Session! -EDIT- We will be joining up with Truly ELFs for this! ^-^ Date: 15th January 2011 Time : 2.30-pm & 4-pm Venue : Linkway to Esplanade (via Cityhall Mrt ...
“How to know if my ticket is fake?” SISTIC’s reply 27 Nov 2010 | 04:02 am
“How do I know if the ticket I bought from someone else is real or fake?” We emailed SISTIC, and this is their reply! SISTIC’s reply: All tickets sold through our sales channels (Authorized Agents,...
The paragraphs in front were the ones we posted and translated yesterday here. 9th paragraph onwards: (HAVING TO) CONTROL THE SITE SHOWS POPULARITY SJ is holding a large-scale concert in Singapore ...