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Hello new (and old) followers 11 Jun 2012 | 02:03 am
I see this blog has picked up some subscribers lately. Don’t count on much activity here from now on– everything’s moved to http://post404.com. If you liked this blog, you’ll LOVE that one! So update...
New Year, New Direction 2 Jan 2012 | 08:06 am
I want to thank WordPress for the very cool blog stats job they did for the 2011 summary. Saved me a lot of work! Which is especially good since I’ve been working hard on something new (I know, I kn...
2011 in review 1 Jan 2012 | 01:35 pm
The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2011 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: Madison Square Garden can seat 20,000 people for a concert. This blog was viewed about 67,000 t...
Microsoft + Nokia Babies: Hate at a Distance, Love Up Close 24 Dec 2011 | 12:48 pm
original source: http://www.pop.com.br/ Apologies to QML fans but I’m going to to extend the interruption of that series by at least one more article. Blame a cynical friend’s recent conversion to t...
More Post-MeeGo Musing: Community Echoes 14 Dec 2011 | 06:30 am
Ever since Intel’s MeeGo-cedes-to-Tizen announcement, I’ve been in a slightly unfocused state. It’s familiar territory– when Maemo was set aside by Nokia for MeeGo, there was the same quandary: what ...
A Qt QML Beginner’s Project: MotoRing, part 2 – Rewind and Reveal 5 Dec 2011 | 02:29 pm
Finally, here’s the much-demanded second part to this QML beginner-focused series. Okay, one guy asked, but he sounded really interested. I said at the end of the first article that I would progress...
A Qt QML Beginner’s Project: MotoRing, part 1 – GPS 30 Nov 2011 | 05:42 pm
I unloaded some Qt newbie frustration the other day detailing my first serious efforts to code for the Nokia N9. Now I’d like to step back a bit and outline the actual project, and in subsequent post...
The Un-local Nokia 28 Nov 2011 | 12:08 pm
source: http://www-bgr-com I’ve been pretty easy on my favorite former employer lately, even to the point of gushing over Nokia World 2011 and pouring out pure fanboy praise over a fantastic phone th...
Why I am Every Qt Expert’s Worst Nightmare 27 Nov 2011 | 11:31 am
As I’ve noted before, I have been interested in Qt development for some time and finally got to where I could allocate the hours to learning. I missed out on local Qt training a while back so I’m dep...
Nokia’s N9: An Unexpected Owner’s Review 12 Nov 2011 | 06:22 pm
source: conversations.nokia.com I didn’t expect to be able to say anything first-hand about the Nokia N9. I really thought my semi-facetious post a while back would be pretty much it unless I came u...