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Blog changes ahead! (this blog is closed, use mrtopf.de instead) 29 Nov 2007 | 01:05 am
This blog is being closed! Use http://mrtopf.de/blog instead! As you might have noticed I am trying to concentrate my blogs based on thoughts expressed here. The main blog address now is http://mrto...
Call for participation: Web Monday, Aachen Euregio, Dec 3rd 2007 23 Nov 2007 | 11:47 am
On December 3rd we will be organizing again a Web Monday here in Aachen. We call it Web Monday Euregio because we would also like people from the surrounding countries (Netherlands and Belgium) to att...
Linden Lab releases more Python libraries as Open Source (technical) 22 Nov 2007 | 02:06 pm
Eventlet and mulib, two Python libraries have been already released by Linden Lab earlier (during SLCC) and Certified HTTP (CHTTP) is developed in the open already. So what are these? Eventlet is a ...
So who is on Twitter? :-) 19 Nov 2007 | 07:33 am
I think it makes sense to ask once in a while again on different channels so I have a chance to follow you So who from my audience is on Twitter and I don’t yet know about? Feel free to share your T...
What should I do with my blogs? 15 Nov 2007 | 01:06 pm
This is some sort of brainstorming about what to do about the proliferation of blogs I have these days. But let me explain! So I have many blogs these days: Tao Takashi about Second Life in english ...
Virtual Worlds @ mixxt 15 Nov 2007 | 04:35 am
As I am a beta tester for the new social networking platform mixxt (which lets you create your own social network and host it) I of course created a social network about Virtual Worlds. Please feel fr...
Carnival in Germany started today! 12 Nov 2007 | 10:40 am
So here is a little video from the last session. It was sort of finished all the time and as carnival started today at 11:11 I took the opportunity to finally finish and upload it: Tags: carnival, ka...
The future of Firefox (Web 2.0 Expo Berlin) 9 Nov 2007 | 01:47 pm
Now up on stage is Tristan Nitot, co-founder of the Mozilla Europe Foundation. Looking back to 1999-presence: Mozilla is doomed, even JWZ quit. He asked the audience to stand up and then those people...
High Order Bit: Seedcamp (Web 2.0 Expo Berlin) 9 Nov 2007 | 02:32 am
Speaking is Reshma Sohoni about how they come up with the entrepeneurs for their project. Why Seedcamp? It is all about creating, accelerating the next phase of european entrepeneurs. The advantage...
A Conversation with Ari Virtanen, Nokia (Web 2.0 Expo) 9 Nov 2007 | 02:17 am
Ari Virtanen has two devices in his pockets these says. One cellphone and one internet tablet. Tim asks if this is a laptop replacement. It’s a totally different computing behaviour than with a laptop...