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I don’t know why Chris Ladd is so angsty here. 27 Aug 2013 | 05:00 pm
Frankly, as far as I’m concerned he can go right along to the Democratic Party and take all his like-minded friends with him. He can kvetch about the Republicans pushing “white-nationalist” and “neo-C...
More blog for you later, but for now… 26 Aug 2013 | 01:45 pm
…have some Rainbow: I’ve only heard the earlier Rainbow stuff with Ronnie James Dio and Graham Bonnet, and I liked it all; if I had to pick, though, I’d go with the Dio-era stuff.
So, what is? 24 Aug 2013 | 10:00 pm
Oh, look, a Houston police consultant telling us all what is not the beginning of a police state… Stop-question-and-frisk must yield in the face of the Fourth and 14th amendments of the U.S. Constitu...
Well, if you say so. 22 Aug 2013 | 02:02 pm
One of the things that always amuses me anymore is a list of celebrities that went out on top of their game that includes Garth Brooks: Following huge success throughout the 1990s and a head-scratchi...
So I am not the only one… 21 Aug 2013 | 10:57 pm
…or so it would seem: Regarding “Democrats push Davis to go for it” (Page B1, Thursday), after speaking with several longtime Democrats and Republicans, I realize as they do, that a Wendy Davis guber...
Sauce for the goose, and all that. 21 Aug 2013 | 07:19 am
You know what’d be really great? If Eric Holder had his phalanx of armed guards stripped from him because of this. After all, if regular citizens under a restraining order are too dangerous to have g...
Hoo-boy, somebody got worked up into a high dudgeon. 20 Aug 2013 | 02:21 am
Behold, media conceit on display: You were attacked last week. As the old saying goes, it’s the hit dog that yelps. Cooper, Petty and so many others confuse not liking something with it being bad, ...
Hey, you learn something new every day! 19 Aug 2013 | 09:06 am
So, I was listening to Sirius Saturday as I was lounging around the house, and Willie’s Roadhouse said Ernest Tubb was coming up, with a song titled “Thoughts of a Fool.” I thought, Huh, I wonder if t...
Overheard outside the Whataburger at Alon Market… 18 Aug 2013 | 02:37 am
Me: *chuckling* Sabra: “What?” Me: “I’m just amused that they gave that story (the Elisa Chan story — ed.) so much room on the front page.” (It took up most of the space above the fold in today’s pr...
Yep, that’s exactly what he did. 17 Aug 2013 | 07:03 pm
…or, Another one who needs to be made an example of: Hearing his older sister describe in detail the milestones their mother would never witness — proms, weddings, becoming a grandmother — Christian ...