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Our blog has moved 12 Oct 2010 | 08:54 am
This is just a brief note to say that our blog has now moved to our own domain at http://blog.twitterfeed.com, where we’re hoping to post much more frequently, now that a number of exciting things are...
an explanation of current downtime 12 Jun 2010 | 12:48 am
Update (Sat 12 Jun, 7am GMT): Things have been back for the last 6 hours or so, and feed processing has now largely caught up. We can only apologize for this lengthy downtime, and as we mention below,...
Twitterfeed is publishing one million feeds! 5 Mar 2010 | 05:41 am
Twitterfeed just passed a huge milestone, we are now enabling more than 500,000 publishers to bring content from more than one million feeds to Twitter, Facebook and beyond! Dealing with this kind of...
Back up! 6 Jan 2010 | 02:36 pm
After some very delicate work from our hosting provider we’ve put in a ton of new hardware and been able to rebuild the database from the backup so that we can begin posting again. Feeds might be a li...
Hardware crash 6 Jan 2010 | 02:05 am
Early this morning, our hosting provider reported to us that two of the discs on our database server had broken and as a result had crashed the database. We’ve immediately started to build a new hot s...
Migration Hell 16 Dec 2009 | 12:12 pm
I’d like to apologize sincerely for the problems that some of you have had with your feeds. I know you depend on Twitterfeed and just how frustrating it can be when your feeds don’t update. It’s unacc...
a couple of updates to facebook posts 4 Nov 2009 | 12:11 am
This is just a brief post to inform you of a couple of updates to the Facebook posting functionality: there was a Facebook bug which meant that some users couldn’t authorise posting to their Page(s) ...
Twitterfeed is growing up 16 Oct 2009 | 12:17 pm
Twitterfeed has grown pretty fast since its early side project days. There are now 350,000 publishers from the White House to CNN to John Cleese pumping out almost 600,000 feeds and generating around ...
get reminded of your OpenID through our @twfeed account 5 Aug 2009 | 10:47 pm
One of the most frequent questions we are encountering is from users who have forgotten the OpenID they used to set up a feed, and don’t remember how to login to twitterfeed to edit their existing fee...
Moving to bit.ly as default 16 Jul 2009 | 06:37 am
Twitterfeed users who haven’t specified a preference for a particular URL-shortener will notice that instead of using tinyurl as our default shortener, we are using bit.ly. There are a number of reaso...