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Gary McHale & CANACE shut down Enbridge pipeline occupation w/one letter to Hamilton Police 26 Jun 2013 | 09:44 pm
Step 1: Gary McHale letter to Hamilton Police promising that he and his supporters would gather evidence and lay charges using Canada’s Private Prosecution provisions in the Criminal Code, including ...
“One of most disliked men in Canada” to receive Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal for Caledonia leadership…congrats to Gary McHale! 29 Jan 2013 | 09:40 am
After nearly seven years of fighting against incredible odds to confront the Ontario government’s illegal ‘peacekeeping‘ mission in Caledonia alongside Gary McHale, I am so very pleased that on Feb 18...
Merlyn Kinrade passes — Caledonia, Six Nations, Canada & Israel lose a patriot and friend 8 Oct 2012 | 08:53 am
A great Canadian patriot, naval veteran, peacekeeper, father, husband, friend of Israel and a tireless force for justice in Caledonia has been called home. I am saddened to report that Merlyn Kinrade...
Israel loses a daughter and defender – Rose Lax of Hamilton’s Never Again Group 1 May 2012 | 03:24 pm
I am very sad to to report that Rose Lax, a passionate advocate for Israel who was the driving force behind Hamilton’s Never Again Group, passed away on the weekend. She will be interned in Jerusalem ...
Mark Vandermaas interviewed by CBC re Tom Keefer march in Caledonia 29 Apr 2012 | 03:50 am
Not long ago I finished a short, but great radio interview w/CBC radio (French) out of Toronto who wanted my perspective on today’s march through Caledonia as the founder of the Caledonia Victims Proj...
Freedom Party of Ontario bestows ‘Free Speech Award’ on Mary Lou Ambrogio; praises Caledonia activists 28 Apr 2012 | 04:08 pm
The week beginning Saturday, April 21, 2012 was surely one of curious contrasts for Caledonia rule-of-law activists… During the day I was one of two non-native activists arrested for ‘breaching the pe...
Dear Caledonia residents – about Tom Keefer & tomorrow’s takeover of Caledonia’s streets by Marxists, radical unionists, anarchists, terror group symp... 28 Apr 2012 | 01:35 pm
Earlier today I sent out the following email to my Caledonia mailing list: ——————————– Dear Caledonia residents: For 5+ years I have been proud to have worked with a small group of people who have don...
Vandermaas email to OPP officer re April 21 DCE rally before two ‘breach of peace’ arrests 28 Apr 2012 | 12:50 pm
On April 18/12 an officer from the plain-clothed OPP ‘Provincial Liaison Team’ sent me an email politely inquiring as to what day we would be holding our planned march onto the Douglas Creek Estates i...
Mark Vandermaas honoured as part of Zachor Coalition at National Holocaust ceremony, Ottawa 28 Apr 2012 | 08:40 am
VoiceofCanada editor Mark Vandermaas was called to the stage at the National Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony to be part of the candle-lighting ceremony in honour of the ‘Zachor Coalition’ — the gro...
SUN TV: ‘The Caledonia Crusader’ talks about racist Supreme Court decision; then heads to Israel Consulate to stand with Jewish Defence League 31 Mar 2012 | 06:19 pm
Gary McHale – ‘The Caledonia Crusader’ – appeared on the Brian Lilley Show yesterday with David Menzies to talk about the racist decision by the Supreme Court of Canada to devalue the lives of victims...