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How does ‘Sharia Finance’ Differ From Regular Lending 21 Dec 2011 | 03:18 am
Sharia banks operate very differently than regular banks, especially when it comes to loans and interest. Sharia finance refers to banking activity which is consistent with Islamic Law. There are man...
The Best Festivals in Ireland 21 Dec 2011 | 02:33 am
Ireland features many lively festivals throughout the year, and here are a few of the most popular. If you are planning on travelling to Ireland, why not plan your visit so that you can attend an exc...
Batman Dark Knight Rises Official Trailer 21 Dec 2011 | 02:07 am
This looks amazingburgers doesn’t it? Bane is a pretty hardcore Batman villain, and if the previous two episodes of this incarnation of Batman are anything to go by this will be one of the standout fi...
RIP Kim Jong-il 20 Dec 2011 | 05:06 am
What is involved in conveyancing? 13 Dec 2011 | 02:58 am
Converyancing can be a lengthy process so before you go into it, it is best to be aware of the situation and what is involved. Conveyance is the movement of property deeds or legal title from one per...
Interest Rates Are Lousy, So Why Save? 10 Dec 2011 | 06:58 am
With low interest rates meaning that most savings accounts are failing to keep much ahead of inflation is it still worth putting money into a savings account? There are various reasons why the Bank o...
Amazingly Freaky Advert 10 Dec 2011 | 05:49 am
It is hard to to fathom whether the people who made this advert for dolls back in the sixties intended it to be quite as creepy as it is. Classic.
Dublin Up 8 Dec 2011 | 06:56 am
Dublin offers culture and the ‘craic’ to all comers. A weekend in the Republic’s capital will be a memorable one. The Republic of Ireland’s capital is a great place for the craic, as the Irish would ...
The Art Of The Voiceover 8 Dec 2011 | 06:20 am
How can you keep your voice over from being dull? Spontaneity could be the key?
Common Safety Courses 1 Dec 2011 | 06:56 am
There are a number of safety courses out there, however some are mor common and more useful than others – the courses below are of significant importance in ensuring health and safety in business Sim...