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Serving XHTML As XML 3 Aug 2006 | 03:20 am
XHTML was created by the HTML Working Group at W3C, whose mission is to "fulfill the promise of XML by applying XHTML to a wide variety of platforms." It is therefore XML that is driving the developme...
Serving XHTML As HTML 3 Aug 2006 | 12:05 am
HTML is a good markup language that has served the Web well. At a certain stage however, innovations planned for the Web required more of HTML than it could give. Thus, in 2000, XML rules were added t...
Media Types - How The Web Works 1 Aug 2006 | 11:25 pm
Media types (sometimes called MIME types or content types) are a classification system used to identify files commonly found on Web sites. Media types are crucial to the functioning of the Web, becaus...
XHTML Reference 1 Aug 2006 | 10:15 pm
This reference is a best-practice approach, based on XHTML 1.0 Strict / XHTML 1.1.