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Time for new camera - Canon G16 ? 27 Aug 2013 | 03:45 pm
After a medical forced layoff from diving .... can now return. Looking for a a new 'non-SLR' camera to be used without strobes .... happy snapper only. With UW use being only part of it's use ... I ...
F/S Hollis ATS system 27 Aug 2013 | 01:03 am
Hello, Selling my size large HOLLIS ATS BCD, in very good condition. Selling just because switching to doubles. Done about 40 -45 dives in it, washed in fresh water after every dive. Good lift capaci...
FS : Hollis HTS 2 Harness Small 27 Aug 2013 | 12:06 am
Hollis HTS 2 Harness in size small for sale. Also have the HTS 10lb weight pockets to go with it. Item only used a couple of times. Genuine reason for selling. Harness new is £284 and pockets £130 =...
FS: Buddy SMB 26 Aug 2013 | 10:00 pm
Hi, Sellling a buddy smb, this is a semi-closed with dump valve. £20 plus p&p (£3.00) Buddy SMB.JPG pm me if interested. Regards mark Attached Images Buddy SMB.JPG (30.3 KB)
12 litre twinset for sale (just serviced) also OMS wing & aluminium backplate. Dorset 26 Aug 2013 | 03:59 pm
My upcoming wedding has inspired me to try and sell some of my surplus dive kit and I sadly don't get any use of my twinset, diving as I do mostly from a crowded rib. So for sale: Faber twin twelves...
FS Custom Divers Manifold Isolation Valve/Slob Knob 26 Aug 2013 | 01:39 pm
Used for a number of years when my suit had shrunk and I couldn't reach the isolation valve. New suit means I can so this is surplus. Works perfectly and in good nick. Say £50 + P n P? Looks like ...
Vobster 7th/8th Septber 26 Aug 2013 | 01:30 pm
Hi, I'm looking for people to dive with over the weekend of the 7th/8th of Sept. They have a special event on that weekend celebrating their 10th anniversary, it's £10 for the whole weekend and incl...
FS: Ikelite SLR Housing, ports, arms & strobes 25 Aug 2013 | 08:26 pm
FOR SALE: ikelite 6871.07 Canon 7D housing ikelite 5502 flat port - used with canon 60mm macro ikelite 5503 6" dome port - used with tokina 10-17mm fisheye ikelite 5510.11 port extension ikelite ...
Selection of Faber cylinders 12Ltr 15Ltr 3Ltr 25 Aug 2013 | 07:39 pm
I have a selection of Faber steel cylinders for sale as I'm moving aboard. They can be collected from Southampton or alternatively I will be driving to Gillingham, Kent next week and we can meet somew...
Twin 12's with Halcyon Manifold, 10L Ali Stage with rigging 25 Aug 2013 | 06:42 pm
Twin 12's 232 bar Halcyon manifold. O2 cleaned and tested August 2012 £320 P1170611.jpgvcm_s_kf_repr_832x624.jpg 10Ltr Ali with rigging bolt snaps etc. In test till 02/2015 £100 P1170616.jpg Pm fo...