Yourshelflife - - Sandy Nathan's YOUR SHELF LIFE

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Is Book Marketing like Snorkeling in a Septic Tank? 14 Aug 2013 | 07:21 am
Sewage Treatment Plant in England I have been wrestling with this issue for years. Do I defile myself by immersing my soul (and body) into the odoriferous swamp of book peddling? Is bookselling the ...
It’s my Birthday! My eBooks Are on Sale for 99 Cents! For How Long? Who Knows. 6 Aug 2013 | 06:40 am
It's my birthday and I'll do what I wanna. And that's give you a good deal on my books. Yep! It’s true: on August 7th, I’ll be another year older. And you can benefit from my special Birthday Amazon ...
Mogollon: A Tale of Mysticism & Money - This is NOT Mogollon's new cover. The it's being designed. HURRAY! HURRAY! Mogollon is done. (Though see the note below about its release date.) I started the ...
Help Release Holy Man: The USA vs. Douglas White 25 Jul 2013 | 04:41 am
Every once in a while, something will reach out, grab me by the throat, and say, “Support this!” Or maybe, “Support this or acknowledge you’re not living your values.” The independent film, Holy Man:...
Earth’s End Trilogy – Perhaps More Action, Excitement, Romance, Thrills, and Adventure Than You Can Stand 20 Jul 2013 | 09:02 pm
The Earth's End Trilogy The Earth’s End Trilogy delivers on its promise––this is a series you’ll remember far after you turn the last page. In The Angel & the Brown-Eyed Boy, join , exquisite dancer...
Happy Birthday, United States of America! Happy Birthday, David Oddstad! 5 Jul 2013 | 01:58 am
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE GOOD OL' USA! OUR NATION CELEBRATES ITS 237TH BIRTHDAY TODAY! I wonder if the founding fathers (and mothers) had any idea we’d last this long. I wonder how far into the future w...
Award-winning Author Sandy Nathan’s Poem Is Featured in Cowgirl Magazine! 24 Jun 2013 | 01:40 am
COWGIRL MAGAZINE'S ARTICLE ON PERUVIAN PASO HORSES - Bo Derek rides RCh Ventarrones+, a National Laureado Stallion from Rancho Chahuchu. (Laureado means that he has won the National Champion of Champi...
A Father’s Day Tribute to my Dad – Andy Oddstad 17 Jun 2013 | 12:48 am
Today's the day we remember our fathers. But don't we remember them with every breath we take? They are multi-sensory reality templates: the way they look, move, sound, act, talk, walk, think, and eve...
What Makes Men Sexy? What Makes Male Characters Sexy? What Makes Literature Sexy? Why Are We Obsessed with Sex? 15 Jun 2013 | 05:40 am
I JUST DISCOVERED THIS: What makes a man sexy? If I am falling off my horse and a man catches me, he is sexy. That just happened to me. My husband caught me, with our horse trainer right behind him. ...
Judgment Day: Reviews Reviewers Critics Criticism Rankings and Rants with a History of Modern Culture Since 1950 11 Jun 2013 | 06:24 am
The only legitimate reviewer is a producing artist whose work is better than what’s being critiqued. The review should be communicated to the artist who produced it––only. Philip B. Welch, AIA This i...