Zoombali - zoombali.com

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The Summer House Villa Photography 13 Mar 2013 | 03:08 pm
Situated in a beach village of Berawa – Canggu, “The Summer House” is a new, surf-themed villa for couple or family who want to spend their time in Bali. It has a nice private pool, cozy bedrooms, ser...
Coming Soon, BMW Motorrad Indonesia 10 Jan 2013 | 08:42 am
At this blissful 2013 New Year moment, we at ZOOM are proud to announce that we will launch BMW Motorrad Indonesia website nearly this month. The Ultimate Riding Machine BMW Motorrad is a world’s ren...
Kesempatan Magang 17 Sep 2012 | 11:28 am
Di Zoom Bali, kita kembali membuka Internship Program, atau kesempatan magang bagi rekan siswa dan mahasiswa yang dinamis, bersemangat mengasah kemampuan dan keterampilan dunia kerja, serta mendapat k...
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1433H 16 Aug 2012 | 06:43 am
Masih dalam suasana semangat hari kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia ke-67, segenap staff dan management CV. Zoom Bali mengucapkan Selamat hari raya Idul Fitri 1433H, mohon maaf lahir dan bathin. Dalam ra...
Husqvarna Motor Indonesia, Reloaded! 23 May 2012 | 08:39 pm
We at ZOOM are proud to announce the new website design for Husqvarna Motor. The leading dirt bike and motocross brand in Indonesia.
Prewedding Photography 21 Mar 2012 | 07:56 pm
Foto Pre Wedding di Bali dengan harga diskon promo spesial. Ragam pilihan lokasi sesuai style prewed yang Anda impikan. FREE makeup & hair-do.
Coming Soon, ZoomStudioBali.com 17 Feb 2012 | 09:10 pm
Yay! We are on the last-stage of developing ZoomStudioBali.com. A dedicated site for our own photography services in Bali. Also, we are proud to tell you that our indoor studio development progress ar...
Our 1st Japan Client 17 Feb 2012 | 08:45 pm
It's been a pleasure to work with global clients at Zoom. This time, we've got working closely with Ms. Yai Harada from Japan during her holiday in Bali to build a clean 'magazine-style' blog for Smoo...
We don’t support tobacco-related business 27 Jan 2012 | 09:33 am
At Zoom, we are refusing to work with any tobacco-related businesses as well as their events for our better future in Indonesia. Find out why…
Internet Marketing bagi Supir & Guide Freelance 27 Jan 2012 | 03:50 am
Tips bagaimana memasarkan diri mendapatkan pelanggan baru dan mempromosikan diri melalui Internet Marketing.