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Traditional Chinese Medicine in the West 3 Jul 2013 | 05:44 pm
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) works if done properly – but if it’s not done properly it’s just an expensive waste of time. Clever Chenguang had a nice little clinic in a nice part of town and ha...
How idiots like us learn 2 Jul 2013 | 12:19 pm
New concepts have to be learnt from a thousand different angles. Struggling Samantha had no idea about computers. She was brilliant at human interactions but computers were the bane of her life, a ne...
Privatisation doesn’t work 30 Jun 2013 | 01:22 am
Privatisation reduces public services, costs more and contributes to the myth that capitalism works. Joe Bloggs bought a small bus company and used every amoral and ruthless trick in the book to driv...
TCM and how it needs to change 20 Jan 2013 | 12:15 am
As practised in the West by your typical high-street walk-in-and-pay (lots!) outfit, or even your typical clinic with a named doctor who you can find in the Yellow Pages there’s LOTS of room in TCM (T...
How to stop worrying 10 Jan 2013 | 06:11 pm
Life is a bitch. And ‘cos it’s a bitch we all get into the habit of worrying. Pretty soon worry becomes US and we become WORRY. We worry about money, we worry about our loved ones, we worry about the...
How to fail successfully 8 Jan 2013 | 11:07 pm
Failure is a part of success. At least it was the last time I checked. Have you ever failed? Of course you have! Did you like ‘failing’? I bet you didn’t – probably because your ‘failure’ was pub...
The ‘Free Market’ Delusion 1 Nov 2012 | 01:38 am
What do you think a GENUINELY Free Market would look like? There would be no rules and regulations because in a genuinely free market there are no rules and regulations. Somalia springs to mind, or m...
The first step to a happier life 3 Oct 2005 | 10:37 pm
In our stable, ordered, mundane world subtle feelings flit by us and we barely recognise them for what they are. Life can be so full, so frantic, that when we ‘feel’ things we put it down to having ea...
How to get through ‘the wall’ in real life 2 Oct 2005 | 10:35 pm
Every one of us hits a ‘wall’ at some time or other in our lives. A ‘wall’ is that point where no matter what we do we can’t seem to make any progress. Runners ‘hit the wall’ when their body runs out...
6 billion thoughts created this world 2 Oct 2005 | 04:35 am
We live in a world created by the thoughts of six billion people. Those thoughts create cultures (how we should behave, what we should eat, what we should wear, what we should believe in etc.) and t...