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Hi again, my has it been a while 8 Jul 2011 | 04:09 am
Hi everybody, Today a recieved a mail which promptly reminded me that there is still something I left behind. This mail also made me realise that with some small changes we could improve the game qu...
Host files up, enjoy 4 May 2010 | 06:26 am
Title says all, nothing changed for a year, and I'm not sure if it works a 100%. Small bugs, learn to live with them, if anything big pops up, let me know. I'll try to fix them but don't expect me t...
Hello loyal fans! 24 Dec 2009 | 05:00 am
Hi there, Well was about time I'd let you know what is going on. Basically it's been busy busy busy. My new job is going really well, not much to complain there except for the fact it leave me with...
Server down, here is why 4 Nov 2009 | 07:44 am
Heya people, Well I took the server down, for two reason which actually come together and form one good reason. The first reason is that a lot of bugs are popping up, and some are quite critical. W...
Important notice 26 Oct 2009 | 10:31 pm
Well, seems I found the source of the saving problem. However, the word seems should be noted here, I'm not sure. So I'm putting the server back up, and I expect this bug not to come back. Any new ...
Server down, important! 26 Oct 2009 | 10:56 am
There is a bug with the saving system, and it's to critical for me to let the server up. Since anyone effected by this will need a full reset I dont want to risk having people putting in to much time...
Server up and running 26 Oct 2009 | 08:11 am
Well the server is up and running. Been one hell of a day trying to get it online. Two things you need to keep in mind: 1: Pvp ranking is offline, you can fight others but your rank will not increa...
Upcomming version 23 Oct 2009 | 07:10 am
Hello people, Well, what the hell is going on? Mmmzz, good question The test I did went really well, and after a few days I had everything tested as much as I wanted to test it. So this week the s...
Downtime - Changing host 10 Oct 2009 | 04:34 am
Today I'm changing host, because I found a better/cheaper spot to host Citrine. I'm assuming this can be done today, otherwise it'll be done tomorrow. This will also allow me to get some of the fixe...
The new plan 8 Oct 2009 | 10:30 am
Finally, I got to the point were I need to start testing some stuff. Lots of bugs got fixed, probably lots will also remain. What will we focus on, well first of all I'd like you guys to look at bre...