Most google serp related news are at:
Google SERP Snippet Character Limit and ASCII Art 16 Jul 2012 | 04:28 am
A couple weeks ago, I published an article that suggested Google doesn’t care how many characters are in your SERP title–all it cares about is the pixel width. Today, I have similar news to report; th...
Google Indexes All Title Words; Only First 12 Count As Title Hits 29 Jun 2012 | 01:34 am
Quick answer: the 12-word limit includes stop words. That is, Google will only index the first 12 words of a title, regardless of whether or not they are stop words. This conclusion is derived from th...
More google serp related news:
Why Google SERP CTR studies are a waste of time 21 Jun 2011 | 05:09 am
Historically, one of the most quoted, used and abused SEO metrics was ranking. It is a cornerstone of reports that are sent to clients, one of the first things we go to check for clients’ sites and u...
Google Universal Search wird immer wichtiger 8 Mar 2010 | 12:34 am
Es ist kein Geheimnis, dass die Universal-Search-Ergebnisse in den Google SERPs immer größer und somit weiter an Bedeutung gewinnen werden: Bis dato stammen immerhin 40 Prozent (*siehe Grafik) der Erg...
Top 10 Tips for the Best Local Search Engine Results 8 Dec 2010 | 12:28 pm
Local search engine results have recently experienced a major overhaul within the Google SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) which has resulted in a fantastic opportunity for small and medium-sized bu...
Menggunakan H1 Tag Secara Efektif 21 Dec 2010 | 03:08 am
So, beberapa hari lepas, saya cuba untuk optimize salah satu microsites saya yang agak kurang perform kat Google SERP. Rather than check balik competitor backlinks, saya cuba untuk check onpage, dan l...
How to Verify Authorship (rel=“author”) in Google SERP 7 Jul 2011 | 12:00 am
Few weeks back Google announced support of the authorship markup, enabling content sites to help identify their authors on the site and across the web. Authors are given a very prominent treatment on ...
FREE Google Serp rank checker?198 30 May 2012 | 03:40 pm
Anyone know if there is a free seo rank checker like Advanced Web Ranking? Thanks I”"ve been using Serpfox, it seems to work quite well. You can track up to 10 keywords for free I believe, and you can...
Google SERP LayOut Change and its effect 17 May 2010 | 06:38 pm
Google SERP LayOut Change and its effect SERP layout changed last week around the first week of May, 2010. What may be the possible consequences? 1. Loss in Google Traffic. 2. New format. 3. Loss in...
Google serps update 22 May 2012 | 10:56 am
Google is continually updating the algorithm it uses for determining website rankings and most of them pass by with little or no notice. However this year Google has caused something of a stir with t...
Google+ SERP Einbindung 1 Apr 2012 | 05:44 am
Die neue Einbindung von Google+ in den SERPs ist seit einigen Tagen bekannt. Jetzt werden auch die letzten Beiträge zum Google+ Profil inklusive Deeplink direkt in der SERP angezeigt. Im Abschnitt L...
De ce sunt backlinkurile importante? 12 Mar 2012 | 06:48 am
Cu alte cuvinte, un backlink este un link un link care poate îmbunătăţi poziţia dvs. în Google SERP. De ce sunt importante backlink-uri? Aşa cum am scris mai sus, un backlink pentru a da puterea de a ...